Faculty Receives $3 Million to Test One-Stop Locale for Women's Reproductive Health, HIV Prevention

Kenneth Mugwanya, an assistant professor of global health at the University of Washington School of Public Health, and his research team have received a five-year, $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to test the effectiveness of integrating methods of HIV prevention into sexual and reproductive health services for women in Kenya.

DGH Faculty Receive Grants from Population Health Initiative

With its Population Health Initiative, the University of Washington annually distributes research grant funding for one-of-a-kind projects that address unique health challenges here in Washington and around the world. This year, three of the awarded research teams include faculty members from the Department of Global Health: Peter Rabinowitz, Charles Mock, James Pfeiffer, Rachel Chapman, and Steve Gloyd.

Seven DGH Faculty Members Win Global Innovation Awards

The University of Washington Global Innovation Fund provides support for programs and initiatives that enhance the university’s global engagement through research partnerships, study abroad programs, faculty exchanges, and more. The fund, administered by the Department of Global Affairs, focuses on interdisciplinary and cross-college collaboration in their projects.

OP-ED: Dear UW Faculty: VOTE. This one really matters.

The faculty senate is currently voting on an amendment to the UW Faculty Code mandating the consideration of faculty contributions to promote diversity and equal opportunity as part of the promotion and tenure process. This means that along with the typical considerations of research, teaching and service, activities to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion will also be considered as meritorious activities worthy of assessment, but will not be required components.
