- MPH Info Sessions
Are you interested in the DGH
Master of Public Health program?
Join an information session this summer
to learn if this program is right for you.
- DGH Awards and Achievements
DGH faculty, staff, and students are being recognized for their dedication
to service, community impact, mentorship, leadership, academic
performance, and distinguished achievements in one’s field of study. - Learn more
Hear from Dr. Seye Abimbola,
a leading scholar and voice on
decolonizing global health.
- Two Years of War in Ukraine
Our speakers, Oksana Danylenko, MD, MPMA, and
Alyona Ihnatiuk, MPH, discussed I-TECH and
Healthcare System Resilience, a presentation on
the impact of war, and I-TECH’s activities in Ukraine.
Donate to the Endowed Fellowship for Global Health
Excellence, Equity and Impact and broaden diversity
and excellence within the field of global health