NBC News: New Long-Acting Malaria Drug Looks Promising

By Maggie Fox

Researchers have developed a new, long-acting malaria drug that they believe may help fight one of the world's biggest killers.

The drug, still known by its experimental name "DSM265," can stop the malaria parasite at several stages in its life cycle, the researchers report in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Tests in people have begun.

34 Million Children's Lives Saved by Health Investments

A report from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Financing the Health Millennium Development Goals and for Malaria

More than 34 million children’s lives have been saved since 2000 because of investments in child health programs at a cost of as little as $4,205 per child, according to a new analysis in The Lancet.

Congratuations to 2015 Grads!

This year, 182 people received degrees or certificates from the Department of Global Health. This includes the undergraduate minor, Masters and PhD programs, graduate certificates, and the Global Health Pathway for medical students.

Jared Baeten Named Vice Chair of Department

We are delighted to announce that Jared Baeten, MD, PhD has agreed to serve as Vice Chair for the Department of Global Health. Dr. Baeten, who is also a Professor in the Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine, has been conducting HIV- and STD-related research since 1997 and is widely respected for his leadership of clinical trials of interventions to prevent HIV transmission. As Vice Chair Dr.

Global Healthies Awards Highlight Student Work and Collaboration with Nepal

 Five outstanding students were awarded “Global Healthies” awards for excellence and achievement in global health on May 11, three of whom were honored for their projects in Nepal.

The second annual Global Healthies award ceremony, held in the Husky Union Building, awarded students in five categories, including the people’s choice Oscar Gish Social Justice & Equity Award. Each awardee received US$500.

UW Ranks among Top Programs for Global Equity and Biomedical Research

University of Washington ranked third among 59 universities in a student-led report highlighting how university research benefits low-resource settings

The University of Washington ranked third out of 59 universities in its approach to global equity and biomedical research, earning a B+ “grade.” This University Report Card ranking was published in late April by Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), a student-led group focused on access to medicine and health-related technologies.  
