EurekAlert: Why Some People May Not Respond to the Malaria Vaccine

Creating protective immunity against the early liver stage of malaria infection is feasible, but has been difficult to achieve in regions with high rates of malaria infection. Many current malaria vaccines target the pre-erythrocytic stage of infection in the liver, however in endemic regions, increased blood stage exposure is associated with decrease vaccine efficacy, challenging current malaria vaccine efforts. 

The Lancet: Profile of Jared Baeten, Aiming to See Off HIV

By Tony Kirby

"The last person that I train, I want that training to be in something other than HIV", says Jared Baeten. Speaking to The Lancet Infectious Diseases from the HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P) in Chicago, IL, where he brought a 12-strong team of his researchers, Baeten explains: “When that time comes, I want HIV to have been eliminated as public health threat, so we can focus on other diseases”. 

ASSPH: Brad Wagenaar Receives Partners in Health Grant for Implementation Science in Liberia

Dr. Bradley Wagenaar, Acting Instructor of Global Health and graduate of the University of Washington’s PhD program in epidemiology, recently received a nine-month, $45,000 grant from Partners in Health (PIH) to help catalyze applied research activities in Liberia.

In his new role as director of research for PIH, Dr. Wagenaar will guide development of an applied implementation science and health systems research program. PIH has worked in Liberia since the Ebola outbreak in 2014, delivering primary care through a number of clinics in Maryland, Grand Gedeh and Grand Kru counties.

Join Us For the Global Health: Next Decade, Next Generation Symposium

The Department of Global Health at the University of Washington is celebrating our 10th anniversary. Together with eight other Washington-based global health organizations, many of whom are also celebrating major anniversaries, and our international partners, we are delighted to host Global Health: Next Decade, Next Generation on February 8, 2017 from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Join us to welcome world-renowned leaders in global health research, education, policy and practice. Featured speakers who will explore pressing challenges in global health include:

SPH: Targeted Testing for Children of HIV-Infected Adults

By the School of Public Health

Testing the children of HIV-infected adults already receiving care may efficiently diagnose HIV-infected children before they exhibit symptoms, according to researchers from the University of Washington School of Public Health.

By referring HIV-infected parents to have their children tested, researchers revealed many untested older children and found that prevalence of HIV was high. This new active referral model significantly increased the rate of pediatric testing with limited additional costs to health systems.

UW Has 29 Faculty on ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ List for 2016

Twenty-nine University of Washington faculty members are among a list of the year’s most highly cited researchers in the natural and social sciences, including Christopher Murray and Mohsen Naghavi of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and Michael Gale, Alan Lopez and Michael Brauer from the Department of Global Health. 
