Dentistry and Global Health Faculty Help Lead Latin American Research Workshop

School of Dentistry and Department of Global Health faculty members helped lead the second Latin American Workshop on Clinical Research Methods in Oral Health, held Feb. 22-27 at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru.

The conference, whose theme was “An Update on HIV,” was conducted jointly with the University of Washington School of Public Health and School of Dentistry. Dr. Joseph Zunt, Professor of Global Health and Professor of Neurology, was principal investigator on a Fogarty International Center training grant that funded the conference.

BIRCH team

START Center Students and Faculty Contribute to High-Profile Report on Gender Inequality

March 13, 2015

University of Washington faculty and student analysts from the START Center contributed key background research for a report on gender inequality released this week and promoted by three global health powerhouses: Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton.

"Women and girls should be able to lead the lives we want, wherever we’re born and wherever we live. This simple view is the reason that we collaborated on this report. We hope that the data in it can be used to help get us there." - Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton.

We Mourn the Passing of Adjunct Faculty Benita Beamon

Benita Beamon, associate professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, adjunct associate professor of Global Health, and faculty fellow with the Department of Global Health and College of the Environment passed away Nov. 29, 2014 from colorectal cancer. She was 48. Beamon appeared in our Pathways to Global Health video series speaking on her work in complex humanitarian emergencies. She will be greatly missed.

Her obituary was posted on the funeral home website:

Collaborative Efforts in Peru Pay Off: Center Awarded First-Ever “Center of Excellence,” Receives More Than US $5.5m

Universidad Mayor de San Marcos in Lima received Peru's award for a “Center of Excellence.” The award was given to the Center for Technical, Biomedical and Environmental Research at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, along with an award of 16.7 million soles (equivalent to nearly US$5.6 million). The center is supported by the University of Washington and la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil.

United States Ambassador to Peru, Brian A. Nichols, was in attendance to acknowledge the award.

BIRCH team

Department of Global Health Travel Grants: 6th Annual CUGH Conference

The Department of Global Health is pleased to announce that we will provide at least six individuals with $500 grants to help support their travel, registration, and expenses to attend the 6th Annual Conference of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH), “Mobilizing Research for Global Health”, March 26-28, 2015, at the Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA.  We are currently accepting applications for these travel grants fro

Q & A with Julia Bunting of International Planned Parenthood Federation

Julia Bunting, Global Director of the Programmes and Technical at The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), London will be at the University of Washington Dec. 8 as part of the 5th Annual Maternal Health Lecture Series in Honor of Beth Peterman sponsored by the Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh), The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Washington Global Health Alliance Discovery Series.
