WA hired a climate epidemiologist — and not a moment too soon


Experts say the move is an important step to recognizing climate change’s relationship with disease and death. When wildfire smoke billows through the Colville Reservation, it tends to stick around in the deep mountain-lined valleys where most residents live.

The 1.4 million acre reservation in north central Washington is home to more than 5,000 people who have bore the brunt of the state’s increasing wildfire disasters spurred by climate change. Dr. Jeremy Hess, director of UW Center for Health and the Global Environment was mentioned. 

UW Department of Global Health Faculty Awarded Population Health Initiative 2021 Pilot Research Grant

An interdisciplinary team including UW Department of Global Health faculty Jeremy Hess and Kris Ebi was selected for a pilot research grant award from the University of Washington Population Health Initiative. The award will support the formation of a climate action Collaboratory in Washington State.

No Country is Immune from Climate-Change Health Impacts (includes Jeremy Hess)

A global report and U.S. brief published in The Lancet show that further climate protections could save millions of lives.

Each year, The Lancet Countdown tracks more than 40 indicators on links between health and climate change. This year presents the most worrisom outlook to date as key trends worsen. The latest report finds that, with climate action, the lives of millions could be improved and saved.

Researchers Co-Lead US Policy Brief for 2019 Lancet Report on Health and Climate Change

Climate change is already causing widespread harm to the health of all people living in the United States, with extreme heat making workers less productive and toxic air contributing to 64,000 deaths in a single year. In a new brief on climate change and health in the U.S. published Nov. 13, University of Washington and Harvard University researchers say it is still possible to prevent some health effects and mitigate others, and that aggressive action on climate is also action to protect health.
