GeekWire: Global Health Leaders Seek New Ties to Tech Industry, While Aiming to Avoid ‘Innovation Addiction’

By Clare McGrane

It’s easy to see global health as a far-off issue, one that doesn’t have much impact outside isolated parts of the world. But at a symposium on global health today at the University of Washington, leaders in the field argued just the opposite.

PATH Blog: Innovation is at the Heart of Seattle

By David Fleming

One of the great public health intervention programs of modern times was conceived by two Seattle visionaries, a doctor at the University of Washington and a Seattle Fire Department chief, both of whom asked a simple question: “Could behavior change at the fire department change the mortality of the city?”

WGHA: Health Alliance International Receives USAID Grant

Health Alliance International has announced the start of a USAID-funded Vital Strategies project as of January 2017. The goal of this two-year project, headed up by Dr. James Cowan, Acting Assistant Professor of Global Health and Allergy & Infectious Disease at UW, is to provide technical assistance to the Mozambican National Tuberculosis (TB) Program in order to establish a successful Drug- Resistant TB program in Mozambique.

Specifically, HAI will be supporting:

HS Newsbeat: Little-known Disease has Major Economic Impact

By Ashlie Chandler

Healthcare system spending on patients in the United States with giant cell arteritis is $16,400 more in the first year after diagnosis compared to similar patients without the disease. This finding comes from a new study from the University of Washington School of Public Health. The little-known, chronic disease of the blood vessels affects 230,000 Americans.

Inside Philanthropy: Big Funders, Big Data: The Growing Quest to Learn More About Global Health

By Sue-Lynn Moses

Back in 2015, when Bloomberg Philanthropies teamed up with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to launch a $100 million Data for Health initiative, we learned something surprising: According to the World Health Organization, around two-thirds of all deaths around the world go unrecorded—that’s around 35 million people. Also, of the over 30 percent of deaths that are recorded by a death certificate, 75 percent of those fail to name a specific cause of death.

King5: Nifty Cup Helps Feed Newborns With Breastfeeding Difficulties

By Amiti Addrisi

It's a $1 cup designed to properly feed high-risk babies in under-developed regions of the world.

But don't let the simplicity of the word cup fool you. The design, development, and implementation of the Nifty Cup is the culmination of years of work and partnership with Seattle Children's hospital, the University of Washington and global health organization PATH.

HS Newsbeat: Women Took Path Through UW to Lead Nations' Efforts on Health

Liberia was in the midst of a devastating Ebola outbreak when Bernice Dahn, the country's chief medical officer, went to visit her ailing special assistant at his home on Sept. 20, 2014. When the 55-year-old father of eight died from the disease less than a week later, Dahn put herself into quarantine for 21 days. She kept her constituency aware of her situation, as well as many from her cohort at the University of Washington. Dahn, now Liberia's minister of health, has been fulfilling her vision to build a resilient health system by deploying thousands more community health workers.
