Science In The City: MPH Student Discusses Refugee Mental Health

What does mental health look like for refugee populations, and how do the unique social conditions refugees face affect their mental health? Diem Nguyen, a DGH student pursuing her master’s degree in public health, explored this as part of a recent discussion at the Pacific Science Center titled Global Health: Facing the Future. 

UW study to shed light on effective strategies for cervical cancer elimination, address health disparities

A new UW study led by Ruanne Barnabas, Associate Professor, UW Department of Global Health/ International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), aims to shed light on effective strategies for cervical cancer elimination. The study will increase understanding of how a combination of screening and vaccination strategies can be used more effectively to eliminate cervical cancer in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Fulbright Program Brings Six Students to Department of Global Health

This year, the Department of Global Health welcomed six Fulbright scholars from Tunisia, Malawi, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Colombia. The Fulbright program provides prestigious grants that cover an academic year of living, studying, and engaging with the community at U.S. universities. Applying students submit a statement of defined activities they will pursue during their time in America, with graduate students having to demonstrate a capacity for independent study or research.

DGH Students Gain Global Health Knowledge in Peace Corps

While completing a Masters of Public Health in the Department of Global Health, students have several ways to gain research and fieldwork experience around the world. Students have fellowship opportunities that allow for hands-on training in a multitude of countries, but the Peace Corps represents another way to apply classroom curriculum at UW to the real world. 

Using Social Media to Prevent Perinatal Depression in Teen Moms

Keshet Ronen of the University of Washington School of Public Health recently received a $200,000 Technology and Adolescent Mental Wellness grant from the University of Wisconsin to develop an innovative program that uses social media to prevent depression in young pregnant women or women who have recently given birth.

The grant was awarded by the university’s Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team. Ronen is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Global Health, which bridges the UW Schools of Public Health and Medicine.

Researchers Co-Lead US Policy Brief for 2019 Lancet Report on Health and Climate Change

Climate change is already causing widespread harm to the health of all people living in the United States, with extreme heat making workers less productive and toxic air contributing to 64,000 deaths in a single year. In a new brief on climate change and health in the U.S. published Nov. 13, University of Washington and Harvard University researchers say it is still possible to prevent some health effects and mitigate others, and that aggressive action on climate is also action to protect health.

Biometrics System for Identifying People Living with HIV Ready

A biometric system that will use a patient’s iris for identification has been tested and reported ready for deployment. The system tested among 8,794 HIV patients is reported to have been highly effective, acceptable and friendly to use.

This is a big boost to HIV programs, as the US had threatened to cut funding if Kenya did not adopt biometric identifiers. The testing has been carried out by the Ministry of Health, Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and University of Washington, US.

Wound Healing in Mucous Tissues Could Ward off AIDS (EurekAlert - Features Michael Gale Jr.)

Wound healing events in mucous tissues during early infection by Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, or SIV, guard some primate species against developing AIDS, a recent study has learned. The research looked at why certain species can carry the virus throughout their lives, and still avoid disease progression.

SIV is closely related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is used as a laboratory model for many studies seeking AIDS and HIV cures and preventions.
