DGH Faculty Receive Grants from Population Health Initiative

With its Population Health Initiative, the University of Washington annually distributes research grant funding for one-of-a-kind projects that address unique health challenges here in Washington and around the world. This year, three of the awarded research teams include faculty members from the Department of Global Health: Peter Rabinowitz, Charles Mock, James Pfeiffer, Rachel Chapman, and Steve Gloyd.

Africa Needs Afrocentric Solutions to Beat COVID-19 (Seattle Times - Written by Kingsley Ndoh)

While the U.S. and Europe battle to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, I can’t help but think about how Africa will cope when it becomes the next epicenter. Based on the three-month-old data that we have about the virus and its spread, guidelines on prevention, containment and mitigation have been set by the World Health Organization (WHO). So far, several African governments have adopted the U.S. and European approach that is centered on lockdowns, social distancing and frequent hand washing with soap and water.

Senior Community Protected in 'Outbreak that Didn’t Happen' (Study led by Alison Roxby)

Newly reported research findings may help in detecting and preventing the spread of COVID19 at independent and assisted living community for senior adults.

One of the valuable lessons from the study at an affected retirement center in Seattle:  Health-professionals should not rely solely on symptoms to determine if an older adult should receive a lab test for the coronavirus.

Now is the Time for a National Public Health Reserve (The Hill - Co-Authored by Alison Drake)

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, health departments had limited staff, resources and time to support the diverse public health needs of our communities. This system will be further strained as the epidemic grows. We must immediately create a national public health reserve to shore up public health systems. 

Kristie Ebi Receives Honorary, Lifetime NASEM Title

Kristie Ebi of the University of Washington School of Public Health was recently designated a National Associate of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an honorary title that recognizes Ebi’s extraordinary service to help provide analysis and advice to the government and the public on matters of science, engineering and medicine.

First Vaccine Trial for SARS-CoV-2 (includes Rhea Coler)

The Coler Lab at Seattle Children’s Research Institute is using their expertise to support the clinical trial of an experimental coronavirus vaccine funded by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. The trial is being conducted at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle, part of NIAID’s Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium.

Women of Color in Global Health Group Presents Research on Equity, Community, Leadership, and Resilience at UW Symposium

As the world adapts to the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, countless conferences, seminars, and other gatherings have gone completely virtual. One such event, the UW Teaching & Learning Symposium, was held online on April 6, 2020. This symposium, in its 16th year of existence, brings faculty, staff, and students from all three UW campuses to share their experiences around teaching, learning, and research.
