Name: Xander Smith
Year of Study: Third
Major: Environmental Science & Resource Management
Hometown: Norfolk, Virginia
What motivated you to pursue the Global Health Minor? How does the Global Health Minor align with your major program or career plans?
I was motivated to pursue a Global Health minor because I wanted a better understanding of the causes of human health inequities throughout the world. Through my major, I have focused on environmental justice and have enjoyed learning about topics at the intersection of these two subjects. My Global Health course have allowed me to add a well-rounded, interdisciplinary edge to my studies. Moving forward I am hoping to work in a field that combines these two disciplines, and the Global Health minor has been extremely beneficial in allowing me to take steps towards that future.
What have you been most excited about as a Global Health Minor student?
I have been most excited about exposing myself to new topics and opportunities that I wouldn't have otherwise explored. Interacting with other DGH students and faculty has allowed me to think about different potential career paths. I have learned that careers in the field of Global Health go well beyond medical careers, and expanding this horizon of mine has made me excited about all of the potential opportunities to explore in the future.
Which topic or course in the Global Health Minor program has made a significant impact on your perspective on the field or your worldview?
My favorite Global Health topic to learn about so far has been "One Health" which is a discipline that views human health, environmental health, and animal health as interconnected topics. In my previous studies these three subjects have usually been separated and discussed as completely different fields. Viewing them as one provides an extremely interesting point of view that allows diverse perspectives to be brought in to conversations surrounding health. It is fascinating how interconnected so many subjects are, and One Health demonstrates that very well.