- Associate Professor, Global Health
- Associate Professor, Epidemiology

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Dr. Brandon Guthrie, PhD, is an epidemiologist and Assistant Professor of Global Health and Epidemiology at the University of Washington. His specific research interests focus on improving engagement in care among people living with HIV. Dr. Guthrie has NIH-funded research projects based in Nairobi, Kenya that are evaluating interventions to improve linkage and retention in HIV/AIDS care, expedite treatment initiation, and reduce mortality. His research includes both randomized intervention trials as well as mixed methods and implementation science approaches to evaluate interventions that are tailored to achieve both high effectiveness and acceptability. Dr. Guthrie is an instructor in introductory and advanced epidemiologic methods courses at the UW as well as 10-week distance learning course focused on epidemiology and biostatistics. Dr. Guthrie is the co-editor of the COVID-19 Literature Situation Report, which is a daily digest with summaries of the most relevant articles related to the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- PhD (University of Washington)
- MPH (University of Washington)
- BA (Macalester College)
- French
- Bioengineering
- Biostatistics
- Child and Adolescent Health (incl. Pediatrics)
- COVID-19
- Distance Learning
- Epidemiology
- Family Planning
- Health Interventions
- Health Outcomes
- Hepatitis
- HIV Transmission
- Implementation Science
- Infectious Diseases
- Infectious Diseases (other than STDs)
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Mobile Health (mHealth)
- Research
- STDs (other than HIV)
- Afya Bora Fellowship in Global Health Leadership
- Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
- E-learning Program (eDGH)
- Forgarty Northern Pacific Global Health Fellows
- Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents and Children (Global WACh)
- International AIDS Training and Research Program (IARTP)
- Kenya Research and Training Center (KRTC)
- MetaCenter for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Health Security
- Partnership for Health Research Training in Kenya (PHERT)
- Strategic Analysis, Research & Training (START) Center
- Strengthening Care Opportunities through Partnership in Ethiopia (SCOPE)
- Treatment, Research, and Expert Education (TREE)
1. Guthrie BL, de Bruyn G, Farquhar C. 2007. HIV-1-discordant couples in sub-Saharan Africa: explanations and implications for high rates of discordancy. Current HIV Research, 5(4):419-432.
2. Guthrie BL, Choi RY, Liu AY, Mackelprang RD, Rositch AF, Bosire R, Manyara L, Gatuguta A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C. 2011. Barriers to Antiretroviral Initiation in HIV-1-Discordant Couples. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 58(3):e87-93. DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31822f064e. [PMCID: PMC320234]
3. Guthrie BL, Introini A, Roxby A, Choi RY, Bosire R, Lohman-Payne B, Hirbod T, Farquhar C, Broliden K. 2015. Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Use is Associated with Elevated Innate Immune Effector Molecules in Cervicovaginal Secretions of HIV-1-uninfected Women. JAIDS. 69(1):1–10. [PMCID in progress; NIHMS ID: NIHMS655605]
4. Guthrie BL, Rositch AF, Cooper JA, Farquhar C, Bosire R, Choi R, Kiarie JN, Smith JS. 2020. Human papillomavirus and abnormal cytology prevalence among HIV-infected women in HIV-discordant couples from Kenya. STI. [Epub ahead of print]. [PMCID: In progress]
5. Ronen K, Grant E, Copley C, Batista T, Guthrie BL. 2020. Peer Group Focused eHealth Strategies to Promote HIV Prevention, Testing, and Care Engagement. Current HIV/AIDS Reports. [Epub ahead of print]