- Assistant Professor, Global Health

Ninth and Jefferson Building
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Box 359931
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Dr. Means focuses on generating operational evidence needed to improve the delivery of routine primary healthcare programs in low and middle-income countries, both within health facilities and in communities. She is currently the implementation science lead for the DeWorm3 Project, a series of large hybrid cluster randomized trials in Benin, India, and Malawi. She designs and manages the DeWorm3 Project’s qualitative research studies, organizational readiness research, operational research process mapping studies, and economic evaluations. She also leads implementation science activities for a multi-country network of facility-based child mortality studies, which aim to improve care for acutely ill children living in countries with limited resources and prevent both in-hospital and post-discharge mortality. Dr. Means teaches the online Fundamentals of Implementation Science course, providing training to over 200 implementation scientists around the world, as well as the annual CFAR implementation science mini-course.
A trained epidemiologist and implementation scientist, Dr. Means’ area of expertise is integrating evaluation of implementation outcomes into clinically oriented research to ensure that findings translate into the evidence needed to inform policy and guidelines. Dr. Means is a Scientific Associate at the Natural History Museum in London and an Associate Editor for PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
- PhD (University of Washington)
- MPH (University of Washington)
- Chinyanja
- Spanish
- COVID-19
- Diarrheal Diseases
- Neglected Diseases, Tropical Medicine (incl. Parasites)
- Nutrition
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Social Determinants of Health
- Trop. Med (incl. Parasites)
Means AR, Mwingira U, Chikawe M, Kilembe B, Lyimo D, Nshala A, Mphuru A. Integrating Neglected Tropical Disease and Immunization Programs: The Experiences of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2016.
Means AR, Ajjampur SR, Bailey R, Galactionova K, Gwayi-Chore C, Halliday H, Ibikounle M, Juvekar S, Kalua K, Kang G, Lele P, Luty A, Pullan R, Sarkar R, Shar F, Tediosi F, Weiner BJ, Yard E, Walson JL. Evaluating the sustainability, scalability, and replicability of an STH transmission interruption intervention: The DeWorm3 implementation science protocol. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2017.
Means AR, Risher KA, Ujeneza EL, Maposa I, Nondi J, Bellan SE. Impact of Age and Sex on CD4+ Cell Count Trajectories following Treatment Initiation: An Analysis of the Tanzanian HIV Treatment Database. PloS ONE. 2016 Oct 7;11(10):e0164148.
Means AR, Burns P, Sinclair D, Walson JL. Antihelminthics in helminth‐endemic areas: effects on HIV disease progression. The Cochrane Library. 2015 Dec.
Means AR, Weaver MR, Burnett SM, Mbonye MK, Naikoba S, McClelland RS. Correlates of inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to patients with malaria in Uganda. PloS one. 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e90179. Named one of the ten most influential articles of 2014 by the Journal of Global Emergency Medicine.