- Adjunct Professor, Global Health
- Professor, Radiology
- Adjunct Professor, Bioengineering (Medicine)

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Dr. Vesselle is a UW Professor of Radiology with a focus on cancer imaging.
Dr. Vesselle's interests in global health span education and clinical practice. He has been teaching radiology to trainees in Viet Nam, Cambodia and, Kenya. In addition to on-site teaching missions, he also conducts weekly remote teaching sessions via Skype. He teaches them a systematic approach to scan review and analysis using anonymized scans stored on a server. He also is interested in strengthening medical systems in LMICs through improved medical imaging practice, increased access to imaging and increased training of both imaging specialists and radiology technologists. Another focus of his global health work is the development of distance learning tools for medical imaging education and the implementation of technology that connects remote medical clinics to centers of excellence in LMICs.
Radiology enables non-invasive screening and diagnosis of disease, evaluation of disease severity as well as assessment of response to therapy across a wide range of pathologies from infectious diseases to cancer. However, two-thirds of the world population does not have access to even a simple chest radiograph.
- MD (Case Western Reserve University)
- PhD (Case Western Reserve University)
- MS (Case Western Reserve University)
- French
- Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Distance Learning
- Education and Training
- Emergency Medicine
- Radiology
Thomas H. M. T., Zeng J., Lee Jr. H. J., Sasidharan B. K., Kinahan P. E., Miyaoka R. S., Vesselle H. J., Rengan R., "Comparison of regional lung perfusion response on longitudinal MAA SPECT/CT in lung cancer patients treated with and without functional tissue-avoidance radiation therapy", Br J Radiol (Manuscript BJR-D-19-00174R2) (In Press, July 23, 2019).
Lehnert A. L., Hunter W. C. J., McDougald W. A., Harrison R. L., Lewellen T. K., Vesselle H., Miyaoka R. S., “Development and Testing of SPECT/CT Lung Phantoms made from Expanding Polyurethane Foam”, Medical Physics (In Press, June 21, 2019).
M. J. Morris, Y. Loriot, C. J. Sweeney, K. Fizazi, C. J. Ryan, D. H. Shevrin, E. S. Antonarakis, N. Pandit-Taskar, D. Deandreis, H. A. Jacene, H. Vesselle, O. Petrenciuc, C. Lu, J. A. Carrasquillo, C. S. Higano, "Radium-223 in combination with docetaxel in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases: a phase 1 dose escalation/randomised phase 2a trial", European Journal of Cancer, 114:107-116, 2019.
S. Bowen, D. Hippe, W. Chaovalitwongse, C. Duan, P. Thammasorn, X. Liu, R. Miyaoka, H. Vesselle, P. Kinahan, R. Rengan, and J. Zeng, "Voxel Forecast for Precision Oncology: predicting spatially variant and multiscale cancer therapy response on longitudinal quantitative molecular imaging", Clinical Cancer Research (CCR-18-3908R1) (In Press, May 2, 2019).
P. E. Romine, R. G. Martins, K. D. Eaton, D. E. Wood, F. Behnia, B. H. Goulart, M. S. Mulligan, S. G. Wallace, E. Kell, J. E. Bauman, S. A. Patel, H. J. Vesselle, "Long Term Follow-Up of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Investigating Early Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan as a Predictor of Outcome", BMC Cancer (In Press, January 9, 2019).