By John Greenburg

Among nations, the United States is the runaway leader in the money it spends on global health programs, and the looming question for advocates is what will happen under President Donald Trump and a Republican Congress. Nick Seymour, a Harvard junior volunteering at a health clinic in Mexico, argued for sustained spending.

"One would be hard-pressed to find a policy issue that has a greater impact on more lives than global health financing, yet the topic has not broken through the white noise of the election and post-election coverage," Seymour wrote in a Jan. 7 op-ed published in The Hill.

Seymour underscored the many millions of HIV/AIDS patients helped by American dollars, and noted a disturbing trend with tuberculosis.

"Tuberculosis’ recent surpassing of HIV/AIDS as the leading infectious killer globally has not been met with anything close to equal funding for relief," he wrote.

We’ve looked at TB’s death toll before; it is a wickedly tenacious disease. The data question is, has it really become a bigger killer than HIV/AIDS?


The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at UW is quoted in this story