Why Anemia Is Highly Prevalent Among Women In The Global South


According to a recent study published in The Lancet Hematology, in 2021, the leading cause of anemia globally was dietary iron deficiency (66.2% of all anemia cases). Women are far more likely to have anemia than men. While approximately 444 million men are anemic, 825 million women were diagnosed with the condition.

Nicholas Kassebaum, adjunct professor of global health and of health metric sciences, is quoted.

Reuters: Progress Uneven as Global Child Death Rates Fall

By Andrew M. Seaman

(Reuters Health) - - Deaths among children and adolescents became less common between 1990 and 2015, but not all countries benefited equally from the improvements, according to a new analysis.

Countries with low social and economic statuses shoulder a much larger child and adolescent mortality burden compared to countries with better income, education and fertility levels, researchers found.