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Pathobiology and Pathway Student News

* Pathobiology PhD: The Pathobiology program welcomed five incoming students this autumn.  They came from Michigan, Seattle and even Nairobi.  Their backgrounds range from studying in an interdisciplinary program at Evergreen to obtaining a Masters in Public Health from Oregon Health and Science University.

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Mental Health Partnership in Nairobi

The University of Nairobi recently received a Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI)-linked award focused on research training in mental health. This three-year award. led by Dr. Muthoni Mathai from the University of Nairobi and Dr. Jurgen Unutzer from the University of Washington, builds upon the nearly 30-year research training collaboration between UW and the University of Nairobi. Dr. Deepa Rao is the UW program director.

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Judy Wasserheit Among Researchers Who Sound Alarm Over Threat of Untreatable Gonorrhea

Researchers are continuing to sound the alarm on the growing threat of multi-drug resistant gonorrhea in the United States, according to a perspective  in the Feb. 9 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
“It is time to sound the alarm,” said co-author Wasserheit. “Though there is no evidence yet of treatment failures in the United States, trends in decreased susceptibility coupled with a history of emerging resistance and reported treatment failures in other countries point to a likelihood of failures on the horizon and a need for urgent action.”

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UW students find spiders with potential to combat malaria

UW seniors Christine Scullywest, Adam Tanaka, and Roshan Mahoney were recently among three first-place finishers in the Washington Global Health Alliance’s Be the Change student competition, thanks to their research proposal of employing the Evarcha culicivora spider to control malaria-spreading mosquitoes. The spiders are natural predators of female mosquitoes, which carry the malaria virus.

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Global Health Week Another Success

Global Health Week May 7-11  was well-attended by many students across disciplines and majors. More than a dozen organizations were  part of the "Futures in Global Health Day - Career Fair." The "Working Globally, Locally Career Panel" following the Career Fair was moderated by Dr.

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Conference Big Success!

More than 750 people from 31 universities and 17 states attended the 9th Annual Western Regional International Health Conference,   “At a Crossroads: Choosing Hidden Paths in Global Health” held on the UW campus April 27-29.  One of the highlights of the event was the inspirational  keynote talk, "Nothing Less than a Revolution: Why I'm Preoccupied with Inequality, Social Justice and Health," by acclaimed human rights advocate and thought leader Kavita Ramdas, the executive director of a newly launched program on social entrepreneurship at Stanford University.
