July keeps sizzling as Phoenix hits another 110-degree day and wildfires spread in California

AP News

Phoenix sizzled through its 31st consecutive day of at least 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius) and other parts of the country grappled Sunday with record temperatures after a week that saw significant portions of the U.S. population subject to extreme heat.

Kristie Ebi, professor of global health and of environmental and occupational health sciences at the UW, is quoted.

Record heat waves illuminate plight of poorest Americans who suffer without air conditioning

AP News

As climate change fans hotter and longer heat waves, breaking record temperatures across the U.S. and leaving dozens dead, the poorest Americans suffer the hottest days with the fewest defenses. Air conditioning, once a luxury, is now a matter of survival.

Kristie Ebi, professor of global health and of environmental and occupational health sciences at the UW, is quoted.

Using Art To Explore Advancements In HIV Science


As scientists, clinicians, policy makers and activists gathered this week in Brisbane, Australia, for a conference on HIV/AIDS, all of them certainly expected to hear about the latest scientific advancements. Many of them probably used some of their free time to explore the rich cultural offerings of the host city. Probably only a few, though, imagined that they could view an exhibition that explored HIV/AIDS through art.

Elizabeth Bukusi, research professor of global health and obstetrics and gynecology in the UW School of Medicine, is quoted.

Pierce County woman isolated for tuberculosis released from home detention


The Pierce County woman arrested in June for defying a judge’s orders to medicate her tuberculosis has now been released after being cured. She was arrested in June after more than a year of refusing to medicate or self-isolate.

Dr. Thomas Hawn, adjunct professor of global health and of laboratory medicine and pathology in the UW School of Medicine, is quoted.

Opinion: Address housing crisis with transparency, accountability

The Seattle Times

"The regional approach to homelessness and affordable housing in Seattle and King County is a mess. With future investments predicted to be in the billions of dollars, strong fiscal accountability is essential. At the same time, we must increase the amount of publicly subsidized housing," writes Dr. Scott Barnhart, professor of global health and internal medicine at the UW School of Medicine.

Ban Homeless Encampment Sweeps During Winter

The Stranger

Unsheltered homelessness is a public health catastrophe. Homeless people are dying daily in King County and Seattle, it’s getting worse, and it’s preventable. Providing shelter or housing sufficient for all unsheltered people is an essential step to turn things around. 

Amy Hagopian, professor of global health and of health systems and population health, is featured.

Study reveals diabetic retinopathy affecting more people than previously estimated

Komo News

A new study found that 9.6 million people had diabetic retinopathy in 2021, which is about 30% higher than previous research had predicted. The eye condition that can cause vision loss and blindness in people with diabetes.

Abraham Flaxman, associate professor of global health and health metrics sciences at the UW Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, is quoted.

Climate change keeps making wildfires and smoke worse. Scientists call it the ‘new abnormal’

AP News

As Earth’s climate continues to change from heat-trapping gases spewed into the air, ever fewer people are out of reach from the billowing and deadly fingers of wildfire smoke, scientists say. Already wildfires are consuming three times more of the U.S. and Canada each year than in the 1980s and studies predict fire and smoke to worsen.

Kristie Ebi, professor of global health and of environmental and occupational health sciences at the UW, is quoted.
