Q&A With Catherine Gohar
Research Assistant, and UW Fellow for Academic Excellence
PhD in Pathobiology program
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Q&A With Riley Zielinksi
Research Assistant, and UW Fellow for Academic Excellence
PhD in Pathobiology program
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Q&A With Annabelle Souza
Research Assistant, and Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Fellowship
PhD in Pathobiology program
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Q&A With Sophia Chima
Curci Foundation 2 Year Fellowship, and UW Fellow for Academic Excellence
PhD in Pathobiology program
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Q&A With Ashley Brauning
Research Assistant, UW Fellow for Academic Excellence, and UW Graduate School Top Scholar
PhD in Pathobiology program
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Introducing the 2023-24 Global Mental Health Speakers Series
The 2023-24 Global Mental Health Speakers series is a collaboration between the UW Consortium for Global Mental Health and the Population Health Initiative. Each event is followed by a 30 minute informal reception to build community and connection among the people gathered. The series brings together thought leaders from across UW, joined by some local and international experts to present and discuss topics of central or emerging concern in global mental health.
UW Program Delivers Hope for Better Maternal Health Care
Heart, Soul and Joy provides mothers and mothers-to-be tools to monitor their health at home and guidance about mental health, domestic violence, and nurturing joy and pleasure. UW students, alumni and faculty across disciplines are working with midwives, doulas and others who provide care to underserved populations to address maternal health disparities.
Announcing the Recipients of the 2023 CFAR Mentored International Investigator Award
Congratulations to our 2023 CFAR MIIA awardees, Dr. Ruth Nabisere of the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) Mulago, and Dr. Dickens Onyango of the Kisumu County Department of Health!
Behavioral Research Center for HIV Joins DGH
This fall, the Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH) joined the UW Department of Global Health. BIRCH is an NIH-funded P30 developmental AIDS Research Center that provides infrastructure and support for high-impact, interdisciplinary research on HIV and mental health. Its vision is to end the HIV epidemic by addressing the determinants and symptoms of mental illness and HIV through holistic person-centered prevention and care.