By Allison Dubbs
People discuss Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIS, but rarely the 20 million Syrian citizens affected by the nation’s ongoing conflicts. According to Dr. Zaher Sahloul, there is a huge lack of compassion for those affected by the Syrian Civil War, and people are avoiding moral responsibilities.
Amy Hagopian, faculty member at the UW’s School of Public Health, invited Sahloul to speak about his work in Syria at the UW on Monday [May 15]. Sahloul is an American physician from Syria who normally works in Chicago. In 1998, before the war, he co-founded the Syrian American Medical Society. Since the war in Syria began, he has gotten increasingly involved as the need for doctors has grown. He has traveled back to Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan to help provide refugees with medical care.
Sahloul said the media only covers large-scale attacks in Syria when hundreds of people die, but massacres happen every day. He showed a gory photo of people lying on an emergency room floor.
Read the full story on The Daily
The Department of Global Health co-sponsored Dr. Sahloul's visit to UW.