Celebrating Earth Day this past weekend, over 20,000 people showed up to March for Science in Seattle on April 22 at Cal Anderson Park. The March lasted four hours, and among the crowd of students, advocates, professors, researchers, parents, concerned citizens, and even WA Governor Jay Inslee, was a large contingency from the University of Washington community. Below we hear from members of the Department of Global Health about why they felt compelled to get involved and march, and why it's more important than ever to stand up for science, facts, reason and evidence this Earth Day.
There is no better time to support integrity in science and research. Funding for scientific advancement, new discovery, and public health solutions needs to be protected. I’m joining others in Washington DC and across the world to give voice to the simple idea that science matters. Federal funding needs to be maintained to support our public institutions and priority research.
Laura Cooley
Communications Specialist, I-TECH; and Office of the Dean, School of Public Health
The March for Science is a celebration of the dedication of past and present scientists, doctors, and engineers to improving our lives, and the potential for science to continue benefiting human health and well-being.
Kristie Ebi
Professor of Global Health and Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
The current level of attacks on high quality, mainstream science and scientists by a wide variety of special interest groups and political leaders clearly demonstrates the need for people to show they support science-based research and disavow “alternative facts”.
Paul Lampe
Research Professor of Global Health
Member, Fred Hutch Public Health Sciences Division
I’m marching in support for the federal funding that supports biomedical research, which results in science education, jobs, and fundamental discoveries, which thereby paves the way for new drugs, vaccines, and therapies for human diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, and beyond. I’m also marching to support science education, because I want to share the incredible thrill of scientific inquiry and discovery with my students and my own children, and ensure similar access for everyone.
Jennifer Lund
Research Associate Professor of Global Health
Associate Member, Fred Hutch Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
I’m marching because I believe in science and research. Science is not perfect but it is one very powerful way of knowing that can translate into making people’s lives better.
Susan P. Mello
Assistant Director for Administration
UW Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
I am marching because science is one of our most important vehicles and most powerful engines on the path to happy, healthy, safe, equitable relationships, families, communities, and nations. If we want to deliver a better world to our children, then robust support for science must be a cornerstone of our philosophy and culture in the United States. This means expanding support for key federal agencies that fund science such as the National Institutes of Health, including the Fogarty International Center, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Judith Wasserheit
William H. Foege Endowed Chair, Department of Global Health
Our faculty, staff and students share their favorite moments from the march:
Read more stories about the UW's take on getting involved:
- UW President Ana Mari Cauce: Public investment in science serves Washington and the world
- KUOW: Reasons to march for science in Seattle, or not
- KUOW: Lay people, you'll never be more skeptical than scientists
- Crosscut: On Earth Day, check your privilege
Resources in support of federal funding for research: