- Adjunct Professor, Global Health
- Professor, Medicine - Emergency Medicine

Harborview Medical Center Emergency Medicine
Box Box 359702
Seattle, WA
United States
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Dr. Sachita Shah is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at University of Washington School of Medicine and she works clinically at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Dr. Shah is the Director of the Global Emergency Medicine and Rural Health Fellowship within the Division of Emergency Medicine at UW, and she is an internationally known expert in the field of point-of- care ultrasound in limited resource settings. She is the Director of Ultrasound Education for a global non-profit organization called Partners In Health, past Chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) international ultrasound subcommittee and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) global health community. She balances her time between academic emergency medicine in the US, and teaching point of care ultrasound for PIH in several low-income countries. She has also served as an ultrasound trainer for other NGOs including MSF and Global Emergency Care collaborative. Her research focuses on uses of ultrasound in limited resource settings, as well as optimizing education for ultrasound and emergency care in developing countries.
- MD (University of Washington)
- BS (Wesleyan University)
- Spanish
- Clinical Mentoring
- Distance Learning
- Education and Training
- Health Technologies
- Implementation Science
A Nadimpalli, James W. Tsung, Ramon Sanchez, Sachita Shah, Evgenia Zelikova, Lisa Umphrey, Northan Hurtado, Alan Gonzalez, and Carrie Teicher. Feasibility of training clinical officers in point-of-care ultrasound for pediatric respiratory diseases in Aweil, South Sudan. Am J of Trop Med & Hygiene. In press, Sept 2019.
Shah S, Shah S, Fils-Aime R, Desir W, Joasil J, Venesey D, Muruganandan KM. Focused Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound for the Emergency Diagnosis of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in a Resource-Limited Setting. Critical Ultrasound Journal.
Stolz LA, Muruganandan KM, Bisanzo MC, Sebikali MJ, Dreifuss BA, Hammerstedt HS, Nelson SW, Nayabale I, Adhikari S, Shah SP. Point-of-care ultrasound education for non-physician clinicians in a resource-limited emergency department. Trop Med Int Health. 2015 Aug; 20(8): 1067-72.
Levine A, Shah S, Umulisa I, Munyaneza RBM, Dushimiyimana JM, Stegmann K, Musavuli J, Ngabitsinze P, Stulac S, Noble V, Epino H. Ultrasound Assessment of Severe dehydration in children with diarrhea and vomiting. Academic Emergency Medicine. October 2010; 17(10): 1035-41
Santos, Shah, Waiswa, Walker, Mulowooza et al. “Effect of a labor triage checklist and ultrasound on obstetric referral at three primary health centers in Eastern Uganda ” InternationalJournal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Accepted August 2020,