- Clinical Assistant Professor, Global Health

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Currently, I am a Senior Deputy Director of Medical Services at the Kenya Ministry of Health and previously was the Director of Preventive and Promotive Health Services. Before stepping into this position, I was a Program Manager, at the National AIDS and STI Control Programme (NASCOP). I am a pioneer implementation scientist and graduated with a PhD in Global Health-Implementation Science from the University of Washington in 2015. My research interests revolve around optimizing HIV prevention options in Kenya and my portfolio include pioneering work among people who inject drugs (PWID). In the context of micro-elimination of Hepatitis C among PWID I have established research collaborations with University of Washington (UW), Yale University and Gilead Sciences. My PhD work published in the Lancet HIV catalyzed WHO recommendations in assisted HIV partner notification services and is the basis for scaling up of partner notification services in PEPFAR and Global Fund supported countries including Kenya.
I have also interests in young and adolescent women to improve their knowledge of HIV status and to establish mechanisms for resilience and reduce risk of HIV acquisition.
In partnership with Georgetown University we are on initial discussions on implementation science research work around HIV cure and some preparatory work that would need to be done before it becomes available.
- French
- Biodefense Infectious Diseases
- Community-Based Primary Health Care
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Disease Surveillance
- Epidemiology
- Health Information Systems
- Health Policy
- Hepatitis
- HIV Transmission
- Implementation Science
- Male Circumcision
- Operations Research
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Research
- STDs (other than HIV)
Cherutich P, Golden MR, Wamuti B, Richardson BA, Ásbjörnsdóttir KH, Otieno FA, Ng'ang'a A, Mutiti PM, Macharia P, Sambai B, Dunbar M, Bukusi D, Farquhar C; aPS Study Group. Assisted partner services for HIV in Kenya: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Lancet HIV. 2017 Feb;4(2):e74-e82. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(16)30214-4. PMCID: PMC5291815.
Kurth AE, Cleland CM, Des Jarlais DC, Musyoki H, Lizcano JA, Chhun N, Cherutich P. HIV Prevalence, Estimated Incidence, and Risk Behaviors Among People Who Inject Drugs in Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Dec 1;70(4):420-7. PMCID: PMC4624615.
Cherutich P, Farquhar C, Wamuti B, Otieno FA, Ng'ang'a A, Mutiti PM, Macharia P, Sambai B, Bukusi D, Levin C; aPS Study Group. HIV partner services in Kenya: a cost and budget impact analysis study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Sep 17;18(1):721. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3530-y. PubMed PMID: 30223833; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6142360.