- Affiliate Associate Professor, Global Health
- Coordinator, World Health Organization (WHO)

University of Nairobi, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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I am the Coordinator of the Human Reproduction team in the World Health Organization. My key competencies are in leadership policy formulation and strategic planning, provision of specialized health services, research, grants implementation and management, team building and medical education. I previously worked as an Associate Professor University of Nairobi and Consultant at Kenyatta National Hospital, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. My research has focussed on HIV prevention, sexually transmitted infections and family planning.
- MBBCh (University of Nairobi (Kenya))
- MMed (University of Nairobi (Kenya))
- MPH (University of Washington)
- Cervical Cancer
- Family Planning
- Health Policy
- HIV Transmission
- Research
- Sexuality
- Afya Bora Fellowship in Global Health Leadership
- Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
- International AIDS Training and Research Program (IARTP)
- International Training & Education Center for Health (I-TECH)
- Kenya Research and Training Center (KRTC)
- Partnership for Innovative Medical Education in Kenya (PRIME-K)
- Treatment, Research, and Expert Education (TREE)
Heffron R, McClelland RS, Balkus JE, Celum C, Cohen CR, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Donnell D, Lingappa J, Kiarie J, Fiedler T, Munch M, Fredricks DN, Baeten JM; Partners PrEP Study Team. Efficacy of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV among women with abnormal vaginal microbiota: a post-hoc analysis of the randomised, placebo-controlled Partners PrEP Study. Lancet HIV. 2017 Jul 18. PMID: 28732773
Kabra R, Ali M, Kiarie J. Design and initial implementation of the WHO FP umbrella project- to strengthen contraceptive services in the sub Saharan Africa. Reprod Health. 2017 Jun 15;14(1):74.
Muriuki EM, Kimani J, Machuki Z, Kiarie J, Roxby AC. Sexual Assault and HIV Postexposure Prophylaxis at an Urban African Hospital. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017 Jun;31(6):255-260.
Riley HEM, Steyn PS, Achilles SL, Bass E, Gray AL, Polis CB, Kiarie JN. Hormonal contraceptive methods and HIV: research gaps and programmatic priorities. Contraception. 2017 Aug;96(2):67-71.
Njoroge A, Guthrie BL, Bosire R, Wener M, Kiarie J, Farquhar C. Low HDL-cholesterol among HIV-1 infected and HIV-1 uninfected individuals in Nairobi, Kenya. Lipids Health Dis. 2017 Jun 9;16(1):110.