- Clinical Instructor, Global Health
- Senior Research Technical Advisor, Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ)

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Anjali Sharma is a qualitative researcher based at the Centre for Disease Research Zambia (CIDRZ). Anjali mentors junior scientists on writing manuscripts on subjects as diverse as menstrual health management, home-based births, development of innovative phlebotomy boxes, engagement in HIV care, vaccinations and cholera. Her main research study at the moment is examining different models of delivering ART to make recommendations for effectiveness (Viral load suppression), cost-effectiveness and efficiencies. Anjali currently also works closely with I-TECH Ukraine to disseminate the results of their HIV-related work. Anjali is setting up a social science research group in CIDRZ and welcomes student placement here.
- ScD (Johns Hopkins University)
- BA (Davidson College)
- Bengali
- Hindi
- Adult Mortality
- Bioethics
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cervical Cancer
- Child and Adolescent Health (incl. Pediatrics)
- Chronic Disease (incl. Cardiovascular, Diabetes)
- Clinical Mentoring
- COVID-19
- Diarrheal Diseases
- Drug and Vaccine Development
- Health Interventions
- Health Policy
- Health Promotion
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Health Technologies
- Immunizations
- Implementation Science
- Leadership and Organizational Development
- Maternal Child Health (incl. Reproductive Health)
- Medical Anthropology
- Mental Health
- Mobile Health (mHealth)
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- Operations Research
- Qualitative Research and Methods
- Quality Improvement
- Research
- Sexuality
- Social Determinants of Health
- Sociobehavioral
- Sociology
- TB
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use
- Urban Health
Kane JC, Sharma A, Murray LK, Chander G, Kanguya T, Skavenski S, Chitambi C, Lasater ME, Paul R, Mayeya J, Cropsey K, Bosomprah S, Danielson CK, Chipungu J, Vinikoor MJ. Efficacy of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) for unhealthy alcohol use among adults with HIV in Zambia: results from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Addict Behav Rep. 2020 Apr 29;12:100278. PMID: 32637558
Kunda-Ngándu EM, Chirwa-Chobe M, Mwamba C, Chipungu J, Ng’andu E, Mwanyungwi Chinganya H, Simuyandi M, Chilengi R, Sharma A. Exploring willingness to participate in future Human Infection Studies in Lusaka, Zambia: A nested qualitative exploratory study. Plos one. 2021 Jul 9;16(7):e0254278.
Sikombe K, et al. Accurate dried blood spots collection in the community using non-medically trained personnel could support scaling up routine viral load testing in resource limited settings. PloS one. 2019 Oct;14(10).
Mwamba C, et al. ‘They care rudely!’: resourcing and relational health system factors that influence retention in care for people living with HIV in Zambia. BMJ global health. 2018 1;3(5).
Reñosa MD, Mwamba C, Meghani A, West NS, Hariyani S, Ddaaki W, Sharma A, Beres LK, McMahon S. Selfie consents, remote rapport, and Zoom debriefings: collecting qualitative data amid a pandemic in four resource-constrained settings. BMJ global health. 2021 Jan 1;6(1):e004193.