PhD in Pathobiology

DGH Next Decade, Next Generation Keynote Speaker Margaret Chan
Kavita Ramdas, MA delivers the keynote address at the 2012 Western Regional International Health Conference. Photo credit: Aditya Ganapathiraju.
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In addition to Seminars and Research Symposia, the Pathobiology Graduate Program organizes social functions throughout the year to foster interactions between students and faculty at different sites, including a September gathering to meet the new students, a winter party, and receptions following the Research Symposia.

Select from the following:

Annual Retreat

The annual Pathobiology retreat occurs at either at Pack Forest, a casual location near Mount Rainier, or at the Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle, each October. A subset of faculty members summarize their research in 10-15 minute presentations (approximately one third of the faculty present each year). This assists the first year graduate students in selecting a research laboratory and fosters collaborations between laboratories. Each graduate student (except for new first-year students) and postdoctoral fellow is expected to present a poster at the retreat. In addition, time is allocated for a discussion of significant issues important for faculty and graduate students/postdocs. Separate discussions of programmatic and training issues by the faculty and by the students and postdocs are followed by a combined discussion with everyone in attendance. The retreat also provides the opportunity for an evening social gathering, often including costumes and a Halloween theme.


Research Symposium

A Graduate Research Symposium is held each Winter and Spring Quarter. The purpose of the symposia is to provide an opportunity for students to practice giving formal research presentations and to familiarize the faculty, as well as other students, with the research areas and progress of individual students. All students are expected to attend the symposium. All students, except first year students and students who will be presenting their MS or PhD seminar within one quarter, are required to present talks. General examinations should not be scheduled at a time that would compromise a student's ability to participate in the symposium.

The presentations are approximately 15 minutes and are followed by a five minute discussion period. It is critical to stay within the time period allotted. The quality of these talks is similar to those given at national meetings. Therefore, the preferred format is a PowerPoint presentation. As with most scientific talks, the talk should include a brief introduction that explains the significance of the research problem to the audience, as well as the approach taken. We encourage students to discuss their presentation with their research advisor, both before (for planning purposes) and after the symposium (to obtain feedback). Written feedback will also be provided by several other faculty members. It is helpful to practice the talk before other members of the lab to gain their input prior to formal presentation.

Seminar Series

The Pathobiology Seminar Series takes place during Winter Quarter at 4 p.m. on Thursdays and is open to the public.

Please note, in order to receive credit for Pathobiology Seminar (PABIO 580), students are also required to attend Winter Quarter CFAR Seminars.