The Department of Global Health (DGH) celebrates our 10th birthday in 2017. Since our inception as a department, and in the 20 years prior, University of Washington has been a pioneer in the changing global health landscape.
DGH has grown explosively from a small program with three faculty and a half dozen staff, to a robust, highly inter-disciplinary department of 390 faculty and more than 800 staff – most of whom are based in low and middle income countries (LMICs). We train approximately 400 students annually. Our faculty, students, and staff work closely with partners in 129 countries around the world. Since our launch, three inter-related dimensions have guided the work of DGH: pressing global health challenges, cutting-edge methods, and at-risk populations. In 2007, our primary focus was infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, and related reproductive health challenges. DGH prioritized women and children, and the people most at-risk for or living with HIV, particularly in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Now we work on over 126 health issues and our methods have expanded to include laboratory programs, outstanding clinical trials, and groundbreaking data analysis.
Today, and in the future, DGH prepares the next generation of leaders in the most pressing global health challenges of the day. The DGH vision is to achieve sustainable, high quality health globally and to reduce health inequities. In this timeline, you will see that vision illustrated time and time again. As we celebrate the dedication and achievements of the past decade, we also dedicate ourselves to a more promising future, with our vision realized!